
Sr.no Name of Facility Details
1 Infrastructure 2019-20   2020-21   2021-22   2022-23
2 IT Infrastructure 2019-20   2020-21   2021-22   2022-23   ICT facility
3 Library View
4 Gymkhana 2019-20   2020-21   2021-22   2022-23
5 Hostel 2019-20   2020-21   2021-22
6 Canteen 2019-20   2020-21   2021-22
7 Parking View
8 Health Centre 2019-20   2020-21   2021-22
9 System & Procedure for maintanance 2019-20   2020-21   2021-22   2022-23
10 IT UPDATION BILLS 2019-20   2020-21   2021-22   2022-23
11 Specific Facilities for Women 2019-20   2020-21   2021-22   2022-23
Sr.no Name of Feedback Link
1 Students Feedback View
2 Alumni Feedback View
3 Parents Feedback View
4 Academic Peer Feedback View
5 Employers Feedback View
Sr.no Narration Year Download
1 IQAC 2011-12 Meet-1, Meet-2, Meet-3, Meet-4.
2 IQAC 2012-13 Meet-1, Meet-2, Meet-3, Meet-4.
3 IQAC 2013-14 Meet-1, Meet-2, Meet-3, Meet-4.
4 IQAC 2014-15 Meet-1, Meet-2, Meet-3, Meet-4.
5 IQAC 2015-16 Meet-1, Meet-2, Meet-3, Meet-4.
6 IQAC 2016-17 Meet-1, Meet-2, Meet-3, Meet-4.
Sr.no Year Download
1 2011-12 Download
2 2012-13 Download
3 2013-14 Download
4 2014-15 Download
5 2015-16 Download
6 2016-17 Download
Sr.No Name of Person Narration Date
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -

To be the platform in its limitation to strive to make meet and realize the objectives of HRDM�s agencies with the objectives of the Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, the parent institute and the college in periodical and phased manner.


� To encourage and prepare the fellow faculty for periodic assessment and accreditation of the college by internal and external agencies.

� To encourage and help the fellow faculty for using modern teaching aids and ICT tools in their TLP and research mind set.

� To create suitable ambience among the fellow faculty and students through dialogical manner for healthy practices and student-centric activities

� To help fellow faculty for changing mind sets towards self-evaluation, developing sense of belongingness and accountability and innovations in their being teachers and a part of the college.

� To establish dialogue mechanism and innovate structure for execution of all the IQAC policies and activities.

� To establish collaborations/ agreements with the stakeholders for qualitative improvement of the college.